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bobUP 's blog - innovation, strategy, design & creativity information board

5 décembre 2010

Mastère Innovation by Design à l'ENSCI

Mastère Innovation by Design à l'ENSCI
(...) l'entreprise est plus que jamais confrontée à des enjeux de différenciation. Aujourd'hui, « l'injonction d'innover » à laquelle sont confrontés tous les acteurs économiques tend à placer le design comme une valeur intrinsèque de l'entreprise et...
3 décembre 2010

Les partis pris, quel problème! - Mannaggia ai preconcetti!

Les partis pris, quel problème! - Mannaggia ai preconcetti!
Pourquoi de nombreuses décisions, que ce soit le prochain produit à lancer sur le marché ou le cadeau d'anniversaire pour notre mari/femme, se transforment en échecs brulants? Et bien, la réponse repose sur les partis pris et la polarisation des idées...
2 décembre 2010

Interactive wallets

Now that we spend so much of our money through electronic means, it is often difficult to gauge our spending habits without the physical reminder of cash. The proverbial wallets is a project by MIT’s media lab that aims to give digital money a physical...
2 décembre 2010

Permission to risk early failure

Why successful innovators have to learn how to fail? Because "best practice" case studies, unfortunately, are available only on the pages of Business Schools' books. In reality before getting to real innovation you need to test and iterate several times...
2 décembre 2010

cosa significa fare - what "making" means

Trovo molto interessante il "manifesto del fare" di Renzo Piano, perché ci dà alcuni spunti per comprendere perché c'è bisogno di persone capaci di ascoltare, di capire, e POI, di fare. Comprendere è un'arte complessa, ci vogliono le capacità e l'attenzione...
2 décembre 2010

The art of persuasion

Behavioural psychology is becoming increasingly popular with leaders looking to increase their influence. Does it work? For the Conservative leader's campaign, Cameron visited a west London brewery, a branch of B&Q and a Bestway Cash and Carry. It was...
1 décembre 2010

Institut pour l'Innovation & la Compétitivité

bobUP a assisté à la conférence sur l'Institut pour l'Innovation & la Compétitivité à l'Hotel Intercontinental à Paris vendredi 26 novembre 2010, dont le thème était "les nouvelles façons d'innover" et les speakers Pierre-François Kaltenbach (Associé...
1 décembre 2010

Redefining self-service banking

ATMs were first introduced over 40 years ago and since then many features have been incrementally added to the machines, in order to fulfill the dream of a truly automated teller. Modern ATMs offer a wide range of banking transactions; nevertheless the...
29 novembre 2010

what about collaborating on innovation?

It has become clear to (almost) everyone by now that the word design does not simply fit into the "beautification of objects" slot any longer. And a great deal has already been done, and continues to be done, to take Design to a more holistic level, positioning...
28 novembre 2010

Opening of Masdar Institute Campus

Opening of Masdar Institute Campus
The Foster & Partners designed "Masdar Institute Campus" has officially opened as the first solar powered building in Masdar City, Abu Dhabi. A 10 megawatt solar field within the masterplan site provides 60% more energy than is consumed by the institute,...
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bobUP 's blog - innovation, strategy, design & creativity information board
  • bobUP is an innovation & design consulting firm. Our aim is providing to companies pragmatic solutions, based on a human-centered and creative problem solving, and merging these solutions with brand strategy and marketing techniques
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